Sunday, October 9, 2011

Busy as a Bumble Bee

Howdy Followers!

From my last update, things have come a little bit more to a calm point. The last couple of weeks have been filled with midterms, papers, a show going on....too many things to keep track of! But now that all of that is over I can focus and spend more time on Crew and APO things! Hooray :)

I actually just got off a skype officer's meeting for the Crew! So its very timely that the next thing I work on is this. This evening, we touched base with each other and discussed the things that have gone on in the past month. We have seven people confirmed to join the crew which is very exciting. On my end of the Horsemanship merit badge workshop and getting people educated on Horses to come and talk to us is moving right along. Back in Fort Worth there is this great day camp and education center called Camp Carter and I've been very fortunate that
the Equestrian Director has agreed to come and talk to our group near the end of October! Unfortunately, I was not as lucky in arranging for a vet to come and talk to them about care and medical treatment for Horses. My Adviser, Tinker, is working on getting a ranch wrangler to come and speak as a back-up. The activity chair for the Horseback riding event, who happens to be my little sister, is in contact with the proper people and planning out a timeline for the day event. Everything is coming together nicely. And I've added a handy little slideshow of how I took one of the honors and Venturing Scout can earn, the Bronze Medal, and replicated it in a Word document. It was pretty fun!

In APO, our New Active class has officially joined!!! Its so heart warming to see a brand new group of people so committed to serving others join our group. As an Old Active member, I offered to take on a New Active member and be their Big. I was all planned and movin' and shakin' with getting welcoming treats for my Little but then she decided she didn't want to join APO any longer. That was very disappointing :(. But I know a lot of the New Actives and plan to serve as a "stand in" Big if they ever need me. This weekend I was a little bit adventurous and did a service project that was not through APO. In fact, it was through my Archaeology class! I got the great opportunity to volunteer at Archaeology Day at the San Jose Mission and it was a blast! I was at the corn grinding station and I got to teach young and old visitors alike the terminology and technique for ancient corn grinding! I also had a break time where I got to wander around the mission and see the other stations and how they encouraged an interest in Archaeology in visitors. It was a real treat. Then next up on my APO plate is a fun-tastic Family event! Since APO is so large, we are broken down into separate families to allow people to get to know people on a smaller scale. I am lucky enough to be a family head and one of my duties is to plan a family event to get people together and talking and making bonds. So, this Friday, I've planned for my family to have a noodle jousting tournament. It is the most fun anyone participating or viewing will ever have. We take a pool noodle and cut it in half. The opponents each get one half and stand back to back, proceeding to take ten paces out. They turn to face and deliver their battle cry. Then, they bend over with their head touching the noodle which is perpendicular to the ground. They spin then times around their noodle and then run at each other trying to be the first to deliver a "fatal" blow to their opponent. It is alot of fun and a great way to get people acting silly.

That is all the new and exciting stuff going on in my life as a very busy Scout!
Creative Commons License
On My Honor Photos by Hillary is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.

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